Zapier alternatives

In a work environment where there are so many moving parts, more people are looking for software to optimize and improve their productivity. One such app available in the market is Zapier.

They have made a name for themselves, but there are other tools available that do the same thing, and in some cases, much more even. In this article, we are going to look at our top pick of Zapier alternatives.

The aim is to show you what they offer as well asintending to let you know that you do have options. First, before we get into it, let’s look at what Zapier has to offer for a more accurate comparison.


Zapier review

The essence of this app is to connect your apps and, thus, automate your workflows. If you’re busy, this is one app you can get. What makes it ideal, as with other automation apps, is that it moves information between web apps automatically.

That way, you’re free to do more critical work that does require your mind and full attention.

The reason why Zapier has traction also be because of the companies that use it. On their website, they have displayed BuzzFeed, Spotify, Adobe, and Fox, and these are just a few of their clients.

Setting up and getting started is straight forward. All you need to do is link the web apps that you use to Zapier with a few clicks, which allows them to share data.

After, you automate the info to flow between the apps using what they refer to as Zaps. From there, you’re ready to go. There is no need for coding; you build the processes fast and get more things done.

Another impressive aspect of Zapier is how the apps interact. You can link your Gmail to your Dropbox, where all new attachments go to the latter app.

Once the action is complete, you’ll get a notification on Slack, letting you know you have a new file in your Dropbox. What the company calls this is a ‘trigger’ where you set the Zap you have in motion.

With that level of ease in place, there are over 2,000 apps that you can use to get things moving.

Each week they add new options to. That doesn’t have to overwhelm you through; only use what you need. There is such a vast collection of apps that other automation applications are trying to keep up with what Zapier offers. And the beauty about it is you can do it all by yourself without a developer’s help.

There are free and premium plans available. With the free plan, you can also build one-to-one connections with the apps that you need and are free. You can also automate basic tasks and get help from their support team when you need them.

As with every premium plan, it is about taking the automation of your workflow to another level.

For $20 per month, you can get started on their premium options. There are more steps to the workflows that you build, and also the option of adding the ones you need.

If you’re working with teams or across organizations, then this app is quite handy. Not sure if Zapier is for you? Get access to their 14-day free trial to get a feel for it first. You don’t need a credit card to access the trial version of the app. After, you can check out any of their five plans.

Alternatives to Zapier

Now that we’ve looked at the basics let’s explore three other apps that you can check out.

1. Microsoft Flow

Zapier alternatives

Here, you can streamline repetitive tasks with their Microsoft Power Automate. Again, the purpose is to let you focus on what matters more and let robots handle the rest. Let’s look at what you’re able to do:

  • Boost productivity: whether it is individual tasks or large-scale systems, you can have seamless integration through the use of hundreds of pre-built connectors.
  • Quick and secure automation: even with no-code experience or also a guide, you can build secure workflows. You’re assured that once everything is in place that they won’t be any cloud-based data loss. You also won’t have to worry about preventing any potential loss through their access management services.
  • Build effective workflows: anything that’s time-consuming and manual, where possible, can be automated. That is entirely possible courtesy of their AI capabilities. That way, at your job or project, you can focus on strategic opportunities that add more value to what you do.
  • Robotic process automation (RPA): you can use UI flows to remove any time-consuming manual process. You can also combine API and UI-based automation on the platform to use either in the cloud or the office. Together, you can create intelligent workflows. It involved recording step-by-step actions (whether on the mouse, keyboard, or doing data entry) and then replay those actions, letting them automate processes for you. That’s how you train bots to handle the tasks, all with a few clicks.

You can use Microsoft Flow to build apps in hours that allow you to connect data on various devices easily. You can also integrate data from many sources to create dashboards and reports that provide your company or project with actionable insights.

Lastly, you can also develop chatbots for your customers and employees, all without coding knowledge.

2. Automate:io


If you want to automate how the Fortune 500 companies do, then you can consider getting You can automate several functions, including marketing, business processes, and also sales.

There is over 10,000+ organization that use this automation app. Let’s explore further:

  • Easy to use:What you need to do is create simple one-to-one automation workflows, or just sync the data between two apps you’re using. For example, you can create a trigger that tags messages with ‘to-do’ and let Trello create a card for it automatically. You can do it with other CRMs such as Mailchimp and the like. You can do that across various apps and a delay, a format data, or even conditional logic when you need it. You can do this to as many as five apps.
  • Great features: What you’ll notice about Automate.oi is that it’s both intuitive and straightforward. It can create visual integration using drag-drop data mapping, all within minutes. You won’t need any coding or IT help for that. The selection available is you get 100+ connectors that then lead to SaaS or cloud applications available. You can also use the Webhooks/ Rest API to get to connect to other apps.
  • Robust and secure tools: As mentioned, you can work in a time-delay, also format data, and add conditional logic to your workflows. It’s easy automation that you won’t have to babysit to get things done. The setup is also secured with data encryption both at rest and transit. There are also retention controls and even audit logs that you can track.
  • App support: supports all popular apps for Marketing, E-Commerce, CRM, Payments, Web forms, Helpdesk, Collaborations, and more. You can get the integrations you need to get what you need to be done. With these, you can put your business or project on autopilot. Do note that they are those only available on their premium feature, while others are not yet available.

There are various plans available based on the number of actions you do per month, the bots you have access to, and the data check. You can use the free plan, but if you need more, you’ll need to pay for the premium Apps. Even with that, there’s still quite a variety available.

3. Integromat

refined automation

This last app, as per the website, calls their services the glue to the internet. They have refined their automation, so everyone gets what matters most to them.

Intergromat has also advanced online automation to make a difference in the market. It is capable of connecting apps and also transfer and equally transform data. It works round the clock without your intervention after you’ve set it up.

  • Supports apps and services: Currently, the platform supports hundreds of services and apps. You’ll find that they are working to support the most popular platforms too. Thanks to their HTTP/SOAP and JSON modules, Integromat can connect to almost any web service that you know of. That allows you to automate entire processes without knowing how to code.
  • Developer platform: Do you want to take it a step further? You can use their Developer Platform to create your app. It is intuitive and easy to use, so you can get things done how you want them to. After, you can create automations to suit your individual needs both functionally and visually.
  • Functions: you can get tasks that you need just as they appear in Excel. They include those ranging from dates, lists, texts, or when you need to move any values. These get added regularly, so you get access to functions that you need.
  • A wide array of services: companies around the world use this platform. Uber, Adidas, Cisco, use this app. You can get daily Google Analytics reports on Slack, save new WooCommerce orders to Google Sheets even use Twilio SMS to new rows on a spreadsheet. There’s much you can do with this app, even with social media, project management, online stores, and customer support.

Intergromat is a large company that does plenty for its more than 175+k customers. They also allow you to run scenarios, so you get what’s best for you.


These Zaiper alternatives are great for those who are looking for something different. Those listed here are somewhat different in what they offer, but the bottomline they are just as great in automation.

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